Granny Sannilli to the Rescue
The story revolves around Granny Dodanne, a 60-year-old elephant who lives with her family in the jungle. During a stroll, Dodanne and her grandson find themselves trapped in a hunter's net. The tale unfolds as Granny Sannilli, a jungle mouse, comes to their rescue with her family, sparking a new and heartwarming friendship.
I had the privilege of illustrating this 16-spread children's book as part of my graduation project internship with Amar Chitra Katha. From character sketches and storyboarding to coloring and preparing print-ready files, the project was an extraordinary learning experience for me as a first-time illustrator, especially at India's most prestigious publication. I was honored to receive the Best Graduation Project award for this work during my college convocation.

This project was undertaken as a part of my college graduation project under the guidance of team Amar Chitra Katha (Editor in Chief: Reena I. Puri and Deputy Art Director: Ritoprana Hazra)
Illustrations: Anvita Tekriwal
Story: Vijita Mukherjee
Duration: January 2020 - May 2020
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